
Overview of Date Calculator

A date calculator is a helpful resource to calculate future dates. It helps users to determine the date for a particular number of business days from today or a specified date.

Here are some functionalities of this tool are:

  • Add or subtract time from a date
  • Find the day of the week for a specific date
  • Calculate the difference between the two dates
  • Identify holidays or special dates
  • Calculate past or future dates for recurring events

These functionalities make this calculator valuable for various date-related tasks, including scheduling, managing recurring events, and calculating timelines.

Result of our Tool

A date calculator can perform various calculations and provide results in different units, such as days, months, or years.


  • The calculator calculates the number of days between two dates, including every day between the start and end dates.
  • The calculator can add or subtract a specified number of days from a given date, resulting in a new date.


  • The calculator can calculate the difference in full months between two dates, taking the start date as the first of the month.
  • In some cases, adding or subtracting months from a date can alter the day of the month, depending on the length of the month and the starting date.


  • The calculator can compute the full-year difference between two dates, assuming the start date is the year's beginning.
  • Adding or subtracting years from a given date may result in a different day and month, especially if leap years are included.

What’s the purpose of this tool?

The purpose of this calculator is to provide accurate and efficient date calculations for various scenarios. Its versatile and easy-to-use interface functionality makes it an excellent professional and personal tool. To calculate the days you can head over to the days calculator.

Here are some purposes that a date calculator might provide:

  • Find the Day of the Week for a Specific Date
  • Calculate Recurring Events
  • Add or Subtract Time from a Date
  • Calculate Date Differences
  • Determine Business Days